

Since 1997, the North Carolina Triangle’s bimonthly source of information about health care options and providers
Vol 26, No. 5


A product of Health & Healing, Inc.,
based in Chapel Hill. Contact us at:

Health&Healing is a bimonthly publication (January, March, May, July, September, and November) distributed free to locations throughout in the Greater Triangle area. Established in 1990, it has become the area’s leading consumer publication providing information about local health and wellness issues.

Copies of each issue are distributed through hundreds of area businesses, including health care facilities, pharmacies, and high-traffic locations such as Whole Foods stores, libraries, and fitness centers. Each issue remains in active, every-day circulation throughout each publication cycle. It is also published on-line for a four-month period.

Our audience includes health care consumers and health care practitioners, and both long-time and first-time readers. For over three decades, Health&Healing has proven an extremely effective medium for linking health care practices and businesses with readers interested in their services. If you are interested in advertising or participating in the publication, click on “Contact Us” to request a full media kit.

Health&Healing is, by design, a model of collaboration, much like a “co-op” newsletter: All participants share of their time and resources in the preparation, printing, and distribution of the publication.

Feature Topic

Each issue of Health&Healing features a specific health care topic, which serves as a focal point for articles and, often, for ads. A sampling of past topics includes “toxicity,” “children’s health,” “rejuvenation,” and “surgery.” Among recent topics: “over-the-counter healing,” “the magic of movement,” “diagnosing illness,” “optimal health,” and “maintaining health in a toxic world.”

Our Readers

Each issue of Health&Healing is read by as many as 70,000+ adults. The publication is designed—through its editorial content and distribution system—to serve two principal groups of readers:

  • People (a majority of whom are women) who have a specific interest in health issues generally, and in health care resources in this area where they live and work. Many readers are actively involved in the health care system as patients.
  • A second important audience are health care professionals and businesses, who, over the past two decades, have come to rely on Health&Healing as a reliable source of information about the local health care scene.

Advertising Options

Options for advertising include advertorials (articles); display ads; or a listing in the classified Health Services Directory. All article and display ad participants receive a free listing in the Directory. Advertisers may choose to be listed only in the on-line Health Services Directory.

Display ad sizes range from a sixteenth of a page to a full page; rates—which vary with ad size and frequency—begin at $195. Additional charges apply for preferred placement and color.

About Our Staff

We invite you to learn more about Health&Healing by obtaining our full media kit. Joshua Hartford and Sheilah Thomas created Health&Healing and served as its editors and publishers since its founding in 1990. Mr. Hartford retired from his editor’s role in 2020 and passed away in 2022; Ms. Thomas continues as editor and publisher.

In founding Health&Healing, Josh Hartford drew on his decades of experience as a journalist and public information director for colleges, universities, and hospitals in Connecticut and New York.

After obtaining her master’s degree in public relations from Boston University, Sheilah Thomas became editor of the monthly magazine of the American Association of School Administrators, and was recruited to Connecticut to serve as special assistant to the Education Commissioner. Since moving to North Carolina in 1981, she—with Joshua Hartford—provided editorial and marketing support for a variety of organizations, focusing primarily on education and health, before founding Health&Healing. Experiences included joining in the establishment and development of the educational research laboratory in Triangle Research Park, and serving as a long-time consultant to the Program on Integrative Medicine at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Joanne Pizzino, MD, MPH, is Health&Healing’s medical editor. Dr. Pizzino is board-certified in Preventive Medicine and Diplomate certified in Integrative Medicine. She has practiced Functional Medicine for over 20 years, and now practices telemedicine in 10 states. Shari Sasser is the publication’s designer; a gifted artist and designer she can be reached at Our distribution team includes Joe Lizana, Ricardo Harris, and Timm Shaw.