For information, contact:
Joanne Pizzino, MD, MPH
Medical Editor, Health&Healing
Joanne Pizzino, MD, MPH, is board-certified in Preventive Medicine and diplomate-certified in Integrative Medicine. After her own self-empowered healing epiphany in 1997, she has guided people to live healthier through both Eastern and Western medicine, ancient and ultra-high-tech healing.

By Joanne Pizzino, MD, MPH
Medical Editor, Health&Healing
Do you love your life? Are you interested in living a long time so you can keep on loving it every day? If so, it is vitally important that you find your why. The paragraphs below will give you scientific details about an astounding medical breakthrough that not only prevents the diseases of aging, it can actually add years to your life in just 15 days spread over three months. But the facts are only parts of the ship you sail into the future. Just as the pieces of a boat on their own will not float, they have to be constructed into a very specific sea-worthy vessel.
Knowing your why will give you the reasons you want to make efforts to lengthen your life, invest in your health, add force to the vitality and resilience of your body to carry you into the future. Without your why, most efforts at health improvement or maintenance will not continue long enough to be effective. Commitment to self-care, consistency of repeating those tiny day-in and day-out habits, and curiosity/open-mindedness to trying new things are foundational components for sailing into your brightest, most life-affirming future. So, take a moment to jot down the specifics of why you love your life. Not just “family,” “projects,” “bucket list,” but how you want these things to make you feel. What are the specific sights, sounds, smells, sensations, people, emotions you are using to create this attractive future? Modern mind-body neuroscience shows that adding as many sensations about the actual event into your intention brings it to life.
The Scientific Foundation
OK, now that you know why, what does the latest, ground-breaking science tell us is a proven path to adding years to your life? We all know that nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress management are essential for health. How can you improve all of these at once? Research-proven Fasting Mimicking Technology (FMT) has been proven to do this in just five days per month, repeated for three months in a row. Brandhorst, et al, recently published in Nature Communications ( the results of studies showing these results occur not just in mice, but are proven in humans. And, unlike the only other proven life-extending practice of calorie restriction, this process allows you to eat real, regular food every day. In a head-to-head comparison with the Mediterranean diet, FMT even provided more fat-loss in a shorter amount of time.
How does Fasting Mimicking Technology improve not only nutrition, but also benefit sleep, improve exercise outcomes, and contribute to stress management? Unlike most fasting regimens that allow you to choose not to eat, you actually get to eat specifically calibrated plant-based foods that bypass your nutrient sensing pathways. This means you get to eat, but your body thinks it is fasting, and so turns on rejuvenating, health-improving functions. Each day turns on additional benefits for metabolism, rebalancing the microbiome, adjusting hormones such as insulin and cortisol, and renewing the immune system. Detoxification helps sleep and stress management.
The Day-By-Day Program
DAY 1 transitions you to a fasting state with soups, crackers, nut bars and olives.
DAY 2 starts fat-burning and autophagy. Autophagy is a fancy word for cell “recycling.” The body destroys old, dying cells, but reuses the useful parts to build new cells. This is one of the most important functions for continually renewing your health, especially removing disease-causing cells, such as cancer cells.
DAY 3 kicks in the remarkable fat-burning benefits of ketosis as cellular clean-up continues. (Note: this is not the same as a “keto diet”.)
DAY 4 promotes cellular rejuvenation.
DAY 5 completes the renewal journey. These benefits continue even after completion of the five-day process, promoting improvement in the gut-brain connection and energy while contributing to fat-loss without muscle loss.

Fasting Mimicking Technology: A Powerful, Safe Approach
Prolonged fasting can be dangerous and difficult to complete on your own. The FMT program contains a scientifically researched combination of micro- and macro-nutrients. This unique nutritional formulation nourishes your body—while still enabling it to enter a fasting state that provides metabolic and cellular benefits. FMT users say they have reduced food cravings, better portion control, and healthier eating habits after completion.
How is FMT different from Intermittent Fasting (IF) or Time-Restricted Eating (TRE)? Intermittent fasting (reducing calories on certain days in a week) and time-restricted eating (limiting eating to certain hours in a day) can help reduce fat and support metabolic balance. But five-day fasting—as enabled by FMT—can actually affect your body on the cellular level by inducing cellular clean-up and rejuvenation.
The list of conditions showing improvement with FMT continues to grow with over 20 years of research. Depression is lifted. Skin is rejuvenated for a more youthful appearance naturally. Gut health improves the likelihood that treatments for SIBO and IBS will prevent relapse. Diabetes and autoimmune diseases can be reversed. Cardiometabolic conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol can be managed without medications. Even cancers and Alzheimer’s disease can benefit from including this in other treatment regimens.
I like to get to know my patients at the beginning by asking what is their deepest heart’s desire. Sharing this with a health care provider specializing in prevention, longevity, and Functional Medicine science can help us join forces to get your health aligned with your goals and desires. FMT is only one of many science-based tools available to support you reaching your targets. You owe it to yourself to work with an Integrative Medicine specialist to get answers above and beyond “standard care”. We are excited to help you live your best life ever.