

Since 1997, the North Carolina Triangle’s bimonthly source of information about health care options and providers
Vol 26, No. 5

Health & Healing, Inc.
P.O. Box 16236
Chapel Hill, NC 27516-6236
phone: (919) 967-6802
fax: (919) 967-0356

to the

The Directory includes a broad spectrum of health care providers and health-related businesses. Advertisers may also be included in the print edition of Health&Healing (published six times a year).

When we receive this form, we will contact you to prepare a final proof of your listing for review and approval, along with a reservation contract for the desired insertions.

Rates – On-line Only:

  • Listing under 1 heading:
    $50 for 6 months, $75 for 12 months
  • Each additional heading:
    $5 for 6 months, $10 for 12 months.

Rates – Print & On-line:*

  • Listing under 1 heading:
    $75 for 3 issues, $150 for 6 issues.
  • Each additional heading:
    $25 for 3 issues, $30 for 6 issues

*Advertisers may be listed under one heading in the print version, but under multiple headings on-line. Additional headings will be charged at the on-line rate.

All charges are payable in advance of publication, upon approval of a final proof. Advertisers may request changes to listings at any time during the contract period, but are responsible for notifying Health & Healing if changes are needed.

Our mission is to forge relationships between health care professionals and people who can benefit from knowing about their interests, special talents, and training. Connecting people is the heart of Health&Healing; and we welcome the opportunity to connect with you. Let us know your thoughts and aspirations, what you would like from H&H and how you think we can improve this activity. Thanks for your time and thoughts!